How Accurate is Your Sclerostin Measurement? Comparison Between Three Commercially Available Sclerostin ELISA Kits

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Calcif Tissue Int. 2016 Jun;98(6):546-55. doi: 10.1007/s00223-015-0105-3. Epub 2016 Jan 9.
The variability in values generated from Biomedica, R&D Systems and TECOmedical assays raises questions regarding the accuracy and specificity of the assays. Direct comparison of studies using different kits is not possible and great care should be given to measurement of sclerostin, with traceability of reagents. Standardization with appropriate material is required before different sclerostin assays can be introduced in clinical practice.

Autor: Piec I, Washbourne C, Tang J, Fisher E, Greeves J, Jackson S, Fraser WD.
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Laboratorios Rubió
Grupo Italfármaco
Gedeon Richter
Kyowa Kirin
Meiji Pharma
Faes Farma