Distinct Osteomimetic Response of Androgen-Dependent and Independent Human Prostate Cancer Cells to Mechanical Action of Fluid Flow: Prometastatic Implications

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  5. Distinct Osteomimetic Response of Androgen-Dependent and Independent Human Prostate Cancer...

Prostate. 2016 Nov 3. doi: 10.1002/pros.23270.

Prostate cancer frequently expresses an osteomimetic phenotype, but it is unclear how it is regulated and what biological and clinical implications it confers.  MAFF activated osteoblast-like phenotype of prostate cancer cells and altered their responses to osteocyte soluble factors.

Autor: González Á, García de Durango C, Alonso V, Bravo B, Rodríguez de Gortázar A, Wells A, Forteza J, Vidal-Vanaclocha F
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