J Bone Miner Res 2016 DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.2979 PubMed PMID: 27542960 First published: 24 October 2016
In summary, although obese women (OB) had significantly greater total vitamin D stores than non-obese control (C), the relationship between serum 25OHD and fat vitamin D and the overall pattern of distribution of vitamin D between the omental and subcutaneous fat compartments was similar. Our data demonstrate that obese subjects have greater adipose stores of vitamin D. They support the hypotheses that the enlarged adipose mass in obese individuals serves as a reservoir for vitamin D and that the increased amount of vitamin D required to saturate this depot may predispose obese individuals to inadequate serum 25OHD.
Autor: Angela Carrelli, Mariana Bucovsky, Ronald Horst, Serge Cremers, Chengchen Zhang, Marc Bessler, Beth Schrope, John Evanko, Jody Blanco, Shonni J Silverberg and Emily M Stein