Deprescribing long-term treatments with bisphosphonates for osteoporosis in primary care in the Basque Country (Spain)

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  5. Deprescribing long-term treatments with bisphosphonates for osteoporosis in primary care...

To evaluate the impact of a multifactorial intervention to promote bisphosphonate deprescription after over 5 years of use (BF5y) in a health care organisation (HCO) in Gipuzkoa (Spain) and to compare it with the standard intervention in other HCOs in the Basque Health Service-Osakidetza.CONCLUSIONS: Standard and multifactorial interventions are very effective in reducing unnecessary treatments with bisphosphonates. The multifactorial intervention is more effective than the standard one, although more complex to implement.

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Etxeberria A), Iribar J, Hernando J, Idarreta , Vergara I, Mozo , Vrotsou K, Belzunegui J, Lekuona A

Patrocinadores de la web
Laboratorios Rubió
Grupo Italfármaco
Gedeon Richter
Kyowa Kirin
Meiji Pharma
Faes Farma